
OOTD: ditsy playsuit

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

playsuit & belt - vintage, shoes - River Island

This is what I wore yesterday and I hadn't quite realised how short it was until I started wearing it but I love the print too much not to wear it! Sorry for the short post but revision is calling me :( I hope you're all having a great week!


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6 beauty notes

  1. Replies
    1. Aha I'm not usually girly but I couldn't resist this playsuit:) x

  2. The print is adorable. I just wish I had thighs that would look good in this! x

    1. I'm not usually into girly prints but I loved this one:) x

  3. Your romper is ridiculously cute This is random but could you please check out my blog. I'm new to this and hoping for more followers.



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