
REVIEW: Botanics Rosewater Toning Spritz

Monday, July 23, 2012

Now I have been waiting for the new Botanics ranges for absolutely ages! As a big fan of their products  couldn't wait! So when I was in Boots the other day, I decided to purchase this Rosewater Toning Spritz.
And I have to say after using this for around a week, I am in love with it!

A lot of people have been comparing this to the Caudalie Beauty Elixir, and since I don't own the Beauty Elixir I can't really comment but this is how I'd imagine the Beauty Elixir to be, aha! Basically this is a spray toner that you can either apply directly to your face or spray onto a cotton pad and wipe that over your face. It has a really lovely smell and feels really refreshing on your skin, it hasn't replaced my evening toner which is The Body Shop's Seaweed Clearing Toner. However instead I use this after I've washed my face in the morning as it just makes it feel really refreshed and awake!



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4 beauty notes

  1. I love the new design Boots have launched for Botanics, this sounds like a good dupe for Caudalie
    Daniella x


  2. Ohh I have this but I haven't used it yet because I'm trying the nSpa toning mist. I've read great this about this one and I can't wait to try it!!



  3. oh yes I think this would be an amazing dupe for the beauty elixir, I'm going to go and get some! xxx



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