
OOTD: sheer, skinnies & studs

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

shirt - New Look, jeans - Topshop, clutch - Primark, necklace - Select

So I told these jeans would reappear frequently and here they are again. I just can't get enough of them aha! This black sheer shirt is from New Look and I'm so glad I found it, I've been looking for one for ages, I only wish I'd got a size up because I think I would have preferred it more baggy:)
Finally this beautiful clutch is from Primark of all places! I've seen so many similar versions of this, in particular I've been wanting this one from Topshop for ages but with that price tag I just can't afford it at £38.00! This Primark one however was a fraction of the price at £6!! I know its not nearly as good as the real thing but it'll do me just fine for now aha:)


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14 beauty notes

  1. Love this outfit! xx


  2. I've been looking for a sheer black shirt for a while now, your one looks great :) x

  3. This outfit is amazing, you combined it all so well! Love the little purse!

    XO, Imke

    -PS: I'm hosting a give-away on my blog, there are ten dresses to win! Please take a look if you like!

  4. such a great buy from new look, I love that sheer shirt, I like them to be baggy too but nonetheless you look gorgeous in this lovely outift :)

  5. I always love some studs in an outfit.

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  6. LOVE that clutch!


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I need that clutch bag in my life! xx

  9. Oh my god! I'm dying for that clutch, so amazing.

    xx from Los Angeles,


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