
REVIEW: Amie Morning Dew Matte Moisturiser

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Now I'm one of those people who is always on the look out for the holy grail product and moisturiser is always one of those products I just don't have much luck with. I have v.oily skin and so I need a really light moisturiser to apply at night; I don't think I would every get away with applying moisturiser in the morning, my face would be slick central by 11! Anyway I was browsing in the beauty department in Tesco a few weeks ago, buying cheap university supplies when I stumbled across this moisturiser by Amie. Now I had heard of Amie before but I knew literally nothing about the brand, I simply recognised the name. I was drawn to the fact it said Matte-Finish on the front, always a sucker for anything thats going to make my skin matte I couldn't resist. When I got to the checkout the price came up on the screen and I couldn't believe it, £1.63!!! Yep thats right, this moisturiser was £1.63. After that I wasn't really expecting much to be honest but I thought I'd give it a fair go.

Onto the review, this moisturiser is free from parabens, sulphates, mineral oils and animal extracts and contains natural extracts such as vitamin E, billberry and rosehip, which I thought sounded pretty damn good! Its claims to leave skin soft and shine-free and I can't say I disagree. The feel of this moisturiser is so light and its a dream to blend into the skin, it leaves no residue and leaves a matte, yet soft, finish almost immediately. I was seriously impressed! After using this for three weeks now I am just as in love with it as I was when I first tried it, a really beautiful product. One thing that may be a problem for some people is that it is perfumed, now I personally don't mind this at all, the scent is actually quite fresh and soothing, but I know some people hate perfumed products, so definitely avoid this if thats you. For the rest of you however, run and grab this now!

You can get this in Superdrug, just not on the website, or you can buy this direct from the Amie website for £4.95 (don't ask how I got it for £1.63, I'm really not sure!)


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7 beauty notes

  1. Sounds great for the price!


  2. ooo i think i might have to test this out, especially considering the price - very tempting!



  3. tiene muy buena pinta!!

    New outfit post en el blog "MILITARY JEANS"

  4. Would this only be sold in the UK? I have never heard of this brand before...

    Stop by!

  5. great review, your blog is just lovely btwz, keep up the good work :)

    open to all

  6. I have really oily skin aswell, will definitely be trying this out! x


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