
REVIEW: Collection Illuminating Touch Concealer

Saturday, October 06, 2012

So recently I've been looking for a slightly more moisturising alternative to the Collection Lasting Perfection concealer for under my eyes, which was starting to look a little bit cakey and dry. However I also wanted something that wasn't too moisturising as you all probably know by now that I have extremely oily skin. I heard the Collection Illuminating Touch concealer being mention in someone's blog (i can't remember which, sorry!) and though that since I loved the Lasting Perfection concealer so much I would give this one ago.

It really is lovely, the consistency is very creamy and it moisturises just enough and really makes my eyes so much brighter (life saver at the moment aha!). It doesn't provide much coverage but usually enough to cover dark circles. The packaging is a twisty tube which at first I thought was broken because it took ages for the first bit of concealer to come out aha! This has now been added to my list of concealers that I need! I've also recently been adding a dot of the Lasting Perfection concealer under each eye just to provide a bit more coverage, unfortunately the Illuminating Touch hasn't been enough to cover 6 days of going out dark under-eye circles:(, still for a normal week this is perfect!


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6 beauty notes

  1. I'll have to look into this one! Not sure if they do Collection in Aus though...

    x Michelle | thefeatherden.net

  2. great blog post , i love the collection lasting perfection concealer ,its a pity this one doesnt provide enough coverage though

    http://gemmsiebeautygeek.blogspot.co.uk/ Gemma x

  3. this would be perfect if it had a bit more coverage! lovely review though :)

    from helen at www.thelovecatsinc.com // @thelovecatsinc

    ps. enter my new giveaway to win a dixi arrow bracelet. it's worldwide, too! :)

  4. I've heard good things about this product, as i'm finding my lasting perfection concealer to be going a bit cakey too.

    now a follower of your blog :)



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