
SEPTEMBER Favourites!

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

I know I probably say this every monthly favourites but hasn't the month just flown by!! Seriously I actually can't believe there is less than 3 months to Christmas, 3 months!!! Anyway I apologise but this will be quite a quick monthly favourites as I have just done a 9am - 6pm day at uni and am knackered, bed for me I think aha!

Real Techniques Expert Face Brush
I was so excited when this came back in stock on Amazon as it is yet to hit Boots stores, so I managed to get this for £9.99 and free delivery, which is great! I was at first unsure whether to get this brush as I love the Buffing brush and thought that I really didn't need another similar brush. However they are completely different. The Expert Face Brush is very dense  and slightly smaller where the Buffing Brush is a lot looser and feels lighter on the skin. I now use a combination of the two and it gives me such a flawless finish that I could never get with my hands:)

Amie Morning Dew Matte-Finish Moisturiser
Amie was a completely knew brand for me and I stumbled across it as I was looking for a cheap oil free moisturiser. I've also recently been interested in paraben-free products, this moisturiser is great as its oil-free, sulphate-free and paraben-free, very light on the skin. It is fragranced however which I don't mind, but I know some people hate fragranced products, review to follow.

Rimmel ScandalEyes Waterproof Kohl in Nude & Taupe
Now I've just done a review on these (review here!)so I won't say too much but basically I love them! The Nude is great for the waterline and the Taupe makes a great waterproof base.

MUA Eyeshadow in Shade 17
This is also a really lovely neutral eyeshadow. Its basically just a matte neutral that looks great over a cream base; everyday I've been wearing this either over the Taupe kohl or the bronze Color Tattoo, great for setting your base in place and just adding a subtle touch.

Collection Illuminating Touch Brightening Concealer
This is yet another product i've been wearing everyday, seriously this has been a life saver during freshers week and it is now continuning to help me throught freshers flu aha! Great for brightening, doesn't provide as much coverage as the Lasting Perfection concealer but still is great for under eyes.

NYC Show Time Mascara
When I first got this mascara, I really wasn't sure about it, I felt it didn't do much for my eyes at all. However recently I've been picking it up again and its really nice, great for volume however it does nothing for length. But a very lovely daily mascara (I never know what to say about mascaras aha!).

Sorry for the lack of writing, but I'm off to crawl into bed with my freshers flu:(


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10 beauty notes

  1. Great post! I've always wondered what's the difference between the Expert Face Brush and Buffing Brush, and now I know. Thank you!


  2. I love that collection 2000 concealer.

    Lovely blog! Would love if you could check mine out and maybe follow each other  http://champagnelambinibudget.blogspot.co.uk

  3. i've tried a clay mask from amie before and i loved it, i really want to try that moisturiser now!

  4. I love real techniques brushes! great post, I have tryed the lasting perfection and intrigued to see how that one is as i have horrible dark circles! :(
    please check out my blog if you have time I'm new so it means a lot! thank you <3

  5. thank you for visiting my blog following you! if you like mine maybe you can follow me ?? <3 xoxox

  6. Some great products : ) I really want to try the real techniques buffing brush, I have the stippling brush and it's awesome


  7. Real Techniques are getting a lot of hype lately! I should check it out if everyone's giving positive reviews on them! =D

    ♡ M.May

  8. I really want to try that brush,, I love all their others! X

  9. i always want a lengthily mascara rather then a voluminousness one as volume can make eyes look a bit caked with black...
    Sarah x


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