
CHRISTMAS Beauty Wishlist!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Escentric Molecules, Molecule 1 - Amazon £27.00
Theres been so much hype surrounding this perfume, so I decided to buy a sample of it on eBay, and I absolutely love the smell, its a masculine, woody smell with a slightly sweet hint to it; not sure if I've described it correctly but thats my interpretation aha. Anyway I love this perfume, well worth £27!

Grease Lightning Spot Treatment - Lush £5.95 
My skin hasn't been the best lately, probably a combination of lots of drinking (fresher at uni!) and less sleep than normal. Anyway I'm hoping this will live up to my high expectations:)

Burberry Eyeshadow in Midnight Brown - Burberry £22.50
I have been after this eyeshadow for absolutely agess, I love this colour and I just think the shadows look so sleek and luxurious!! Pricey but thats exactly why its on my christmas list.

Mac Eyeshadow in Woodwinked, Satin Taupe, Smut, Sable, Romp, Twinks - Mac £12.00/£10.00
I've been wanting a Mac palette for ever, and I'm always jealous of those who have a full 15-pan neutral Mac palette. I currently own Mulch, Greensmoke and Plumage and I love each and everyone of them, I'm hoping I can add these 6 shadows to my small collection. Woodwinked is by far my most wanted, its stunning!

MeMeMe Dew Pots in Autumn Smoulder - MeMeMe £7.25 (Also sold at Superdrug but couldn't find them online)
Pixiwoo have been using this so much in many of their recent tutorials and I just love the colour and the way they use it each and everytime. A gorgeous plummy colour, perfect for AW!

Essie Nail Polish in Stylenomics - Essie/Boots - £7.99
Finally, I am yet to own an Essie nail polish despite loving so many of colours. I just can't justify spending £8 on a nail polish, for me its just a little too pricey. But what are Christmas lists for eh? I've loved Stylenomics ever since it was released, a beautiful dark teal colour!

My fashion Christmas wishlist will follow shortly, I hope you enjoyed this post:)


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9 beauty notes

  1. inspiring post, I'm definitely writing down most of the things!

    new post on my blog! http://www.allyouneedisfashion.com/2012/11/military-chic.html

  2. Please let us know how the spot treatment goes - looking desperately for one!
    Marina @ blissious.com

  3. Wow, Essie Stylonomics looks amazing! Love deep green shades. And Burberry Midnight Brown is on my wishlist as well- looks so versatile and luxurious! :)



  4. The colour of the Essie nail polish is so nice :-) good choice of products.


  5. love the nail polish!

  6. The grease lighting spray seems to be really popular, I've seen it on quite a few blogs! x

  7. Love your picks! xo


  8. Escentric Molecule 01 has been on my wish list for ages and your description of it makes me want to get it even more! Sounds like the perfect fragrance for winter! And I highly recommend picking up any (and all) Burberry eyeshadows! I love Midnight Brown....it is such a beautiful neutral and has an incredibly buttery texture. You can't go wrong!

    Julie x


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