
MUSIC: Current Album Favourites!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Today I fancied a bit of a change with a lifestyle post and basically since I've been seriously into my music lately, I thought I'd share some of the albums I have been loving!!

If You Leave - DAUGHTER
Such a beautiful album! There is not a single song I dislike on this album, if you love calming music then you'll love this. Favourite songs have to be Still, Landfill, Candles, Smother and Run. But seriously I love them all and could listen to her all day!

Bad Blood - BASTILLE
Bastille have been a firm favourite of mine for a while and this is such an amazing album. A great mix of upbeat songs and ballads. A very catchy album. My favourite songs have to be Oblivion, Things We Lost In The Fire and Overjoyed.

Secondhand Rapture - MS MR
This album is my newest favourite and was recommended to me by someone on twitter.. and I'm so glad they did!! Seriously obsessed with this band after hearing only two songs!! Relatively upbeat music with some amazing melodies. Favourites songs have to be Fantasy, Hurricane and Bones.

An Awesome Wave - ALT-J
So gutted that I didn't get to see these in Newcastle the other week. However its only recently that I've started to listen to Alt-J, I loved Matilda when it was released but never got around to listening to the rest of the album. Such a different sound to anything else at the moment, a little bit old school but so nice to listen to! My favourite songs are Matilda, Taro and Ms.

What are your music faves? Would love some more recommendations?

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12 beauty notes

  1. Perhaps you could try Neon Trees - Everybody talks.
    I cannot stop listening to it at the minute!

    I love Bastille so much,

    there's a band called "Alt J" that are starting to make it pretty big and they're pretty awesome to!

    Kelly || DayDreamsDaisyChains.com

    1. Oh my God!! My boyf knows Alt J! So happy to see them get noticed!! ;)

    2. I love Bastille, Bad Blood is sucha good song but have you seen the vid!? Creepy as! xx

  2. Can we just be music twins?! Ahhhhhh, this is so great!

    Estelle x

  3. I absolutely love Bastille and Alt-J both of their albums are so good. Will definitely give the other two a listen as I need something else to listen to whilst I'm working on my assignments!


  4. Dont know them -.-
    Need to listen , seems like they are real good :)
    Amazing Blog !!! Greets from germany :) I am following you now :D
    Berlin Fashion

  5. I love daughters new album! still is my favorite.

    jess xx

  6. Amazing taste! I absolutely love Daughter, Elena's voice has comforted and cradled me through many a stressful time <3

    XOXO Sade

  7. I have to get my hands on Bad Blood! x

  8. I have the Bastille album, a great band.


  9. Ah, I'm always looking to discover new music, so I appreciate the recommendations! Will have to check these out :)




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