
OOTD: monochrome leggings

Monday, May 06, 2013

TOP - H&M, LEGGINGS - H&M, CONVERSE - Schuh, RINGS - Primark & Topshop, NECKLACE - eBay

I've been really into printed leggings lately and have been lusting over some Lovely Sally leggings for absolutely ages! However I came across these beauties in H&M and think they are the perfect dupe. Best of all they are the comfiest things in the world!! I have worn them to lectures so many times purely because sitting in these for two hours beats sitting in tight jeans for two hours aha! I will definitely be heading back to H&M in search of some more of these, hopefully they have some other lovely prints.

Printed tops are another thing I've been a little obsessed with, I jumped on the Celine bandwagon and purchased one of those on eBay and since then I seem to keep buying slogan tops aha!

I hope you have a lovely week guys, it feels good to be back blogging :)

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13 beauty notes

  1. Ooh, those leggings are super cool! The pattern is mesmerizing. You look great! xo



  2. I love your leggings they're gorgeous!

  3. Great outfit :) I love printed leggings too and really like Lovely Sally ones but haven't got any, I've got a fair few from Black Milk though haha x

  4. Those leggings are so unique! I have no idea what they are meant to be haha. Another greaaat blog post :) Check out my OOTD if you have time


  5. i love your leggings, your blog is lovely by the ways, keep up the good work and I'll be visiting again very soon :)

    I'd really appreciate it if you would vote for my blog on here - http://stylefru.it/s63465 It will only take a second, i promise :)


  6. Hey Emily,
    amazing leggins. I love them!


  7. Those leggings are gorge! I'll have to get myself down to H&M!

    Megan xxx

  8. Those leggings are something else - I love them! Voted for you btw :) X

  9. H&M are really bringing out some banging pairs of printed trousers/leggings lately, you've reminded me of how much i'm lacking on the leggings front, I used to be so into them! Definitely comfier than jeans, and your pair are gorgeous! x

  10. Wow cool look.
    Love the shirt.Simple yet chic!


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