
OOTD: slouchy jumper

Sunday, September 08, 2013

 JUMPER - Topshop, JEANS - Warehouse, SHOES - Topshop, WATCH - Fossil, NECKLACES - eBay

I'm so sorry I've been so absent these past few weeks, they've been pretty crazy to say the least and to be completely honest blogging has been the last thing on my mind. However things are getting back to normal now and so hopefully the posts will be getting more regular!

This is my first outfit post in a long long time and its basically been my go-to outfit when its been slightly cooler for the past few weeks. A fine knit jumper, jeans and either sandals or converse! So easy and simple to wear. I've definitely been leaning towards the more simple outfits lately.

I hope you guys have had a lovely summer!

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11 beauty notes

  1. Lovely simple look theyre so necessery in the summer when youve to go out but cant bw bothered to make too much of an effort and I love the backdrop such a cute room the light are so pretty xo

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  2. Love the lights in the background! amazing outfit:)

  3. Lovely jumper, and the jeans are really nice too! I kinda love that it's approaching jumper weather now! ha x


  4. So cute! Looks really flattering on you.
    New follower xx


  5. I love the colour of that jumper, it's soooo perfect for Autumn!!! xx
    Gem │ ♥ │ Miss Makeup Magpie

  6. What a perfect everyday look! The sweater looks so comfy :)



  7. So gutted it's getting colder now! Love your jumper though :) x

  8. I really love that jumper, perfect for lazy days and autumn! Xxx

  9. Love your look, so simple yet utterly gorgeous

    Please come check out my latest post if you have time :)

    Fragile Bird | www.fragile-bird.blogspot.co.uk



  10. I love slouchy jumpers and I love how you styled it with your jeans turned up! :) xx


  11. Cute little outfit, simple but definitely pretty! I love oversized/slouchy jumpers as well, they're so comfy!

    Cute and Wild
    (wrong link came out of my paste button earlier :p)


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