
REVIEW: HealGel Face

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I'm always a bit dubious about so-called 'anti-aging' products as to be honest while you can look after your skin really well I don't think any product can make your skin younger however that's just my opinion. But there was something about the quirky packaging of this HealGel Face that really made me want to try it. HealGel says it is an exceptional anti-ageing formula designed to smooth, firm and replenish to give instantly plumper, revitalised looking skin. 

It's basically a serum-like gel that feels really lightweight on the skin. When I first applied this I must admit I wasn't expecting a huge amount as it just looked like any other serum however I was really surprised that it left my skin look really healthy and a lot perkier than it did before. I use this in the evening before my usual moisturiser and my skin has been looking so much better. It may be a combination of things but I honestly think that this has contributed a lot to it! Although it's a bit on the pricier side at an eye-watering £48.00 for the full size of 50ml however if you can afford it I would definitely recommend giving it a go!

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6 beauty notes

  1. I'm all for products that make the skin look healthy! It's just a shame it's so pricey :( xxx

  2. I can't believe something as small as that costs £48.00! But if it does the trick then money is nothing. Maybe do another review in a months time or something to see how its working? Nice post!

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    1. The full size is 50ml which is £48, this was only a 5ml sample! :) x

  3. this looks so promising! I'd love to see an update a little later on :)

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  4. great post! would you like to follow eachother?

  5. Im dying to try this but just couldnt fork out that much dollar on skin care when my skin is relatively OK!

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