
OOTD: folk print

Sunday, July 27, 2014

 TOP - Primark, SHORTS - Topshop, BOOTS - eBay, WATCH - Fossil

I adore the print of these shorts so much, I actually have stolen them from my sister as I love them so much! Seriously tempted to buy the matching top too.

Sorry I haven't been that active over the past month, just as I get back into blogging, life gets busy again and I just end up not being able to keep up with everything. Hopefully sometime in the near future I'll be able to post of a regular basis and actually keep up with it!

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12 beauty notes

  1. I'm in love with that outfit! Those shorts and top looks amazing on you x

    Love,Sara Wallflower

  2. Love the shorts with the boots, looks really pretty!

    Sam xo sjmcdf

  3. Absolutely love the print on the shorts! Super cool. The boots are fab too :)



  4. Love those shorts, such a pretty pattern. Your look fab! :-) xx

    Helen | Helens Fashion & Beauty Blog

  5. Love love love the shorts! Great!

    Shelf and Closet ♥

  6. Haven't seen these shorts in store but i LOVE them, are they part of a co-ord then? Love how you've styled them too :) wish I had a sister I could steal things off of ha ;)


    B xx

  7. I love the shorts! I wish my sister lived closer so I could pilfer all of her clothes!


  8. Cool blog you have here! Keep up on this level and it will grow bigger. In the meanwhile, see some cool juniors trendy tops to raise your mood! This is a true body enhancer.

  9. Amazing shorts dear!


  10. Love this outfit! You have a great setup for ootd shots too :)
    xo, Jessie | Bear and Berries


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