
HAUL: Superdrug 3 for 2

Sunday, June 10, 2012

 So for what must be the third time in the past two weeks I once again took advantage of the 3 for 2 offer at Superdrug, seriously I can't go into that shop without buying a load of stuff! I bought a Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Power, Collection 2000 Gel Liner in Black and Bourjois 1 Second Nail Polish Remover. I was pretty pleased with what I bought:)!

Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Power:
I've been looking for a really good pressed powder for ages and because I really didn't want to spend too much I was pretty limited. I had heard rumours that this one was really good and so I went ahead and purchased it. I wasn't disappointed. I have super oily skin and so I never expect much from a powder however this one actually had pretty good staying powder. It stayed for a good 3-4 hours before I had to reapply which I thought was amazing, aha! Will be repurchasing! 

 Collection 2000 Gel Liner in Black:
This gel liner was purchased on a bit of a whim as the Superdrug I went to was out of the MUA Eyelid Primer which I had actually gone in to buy. I've never tried a gel liner before and so I wasn't really sure what to expect but I can safely say that I probably won't ever use liquid eyeliner again! This gel liner glides on so easily (it came with a brush but I will probably buy a proper one!) and the colour comes out so much richer than any of my liquid liners. It dried almost instantly (I have no patience so this was a vital quality) and I imagine with a thinner brush you could get quite a thin, yet strong line! Definitely a winner!

Bourjois 1 Second Nail Polish Remover:
I must admit, I wanted this because everyone else had it! But after a couple of uses I'm in love with it. I'm sure you all know the concept by now (if you don't, where have you been?!) but basically it is a pot with a sponge in it that is soaked in acetone free nail varnish remover. You put in a finger at a time, twist and it comes out nail varnish free, easy peasy! I wear nail varnish all the time so this is such a time saver for me, definitely recommended!


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13 beauty notes

  1. love the stay matte powder!
    i have such oily skin and if you are wanting to spend more money the Laura Mercier Translucent Powder with Oil Control is amazingggg.
    Keeps my face oil free all day!


  2. I really want to try the Rimmel powder!xx

  3. I'd lovee to try these products! Especially the gel liner :)

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  4. Nice post :) I have tried one of those nail polish removers before from a different brand, and I found that it made my nails thin and brittle. Would this be any better? xo

    1. I'm probably not the best person to ask as my nails aren't very strong at all! However my nails definitely felt better after taking polish off with this rather than my normal Boots nail polish remover:) x

  5. love these products especially the nail polish

  6. I reaaally want to try the nail varnish remover!

  7. I love the nail varnish remover, it took me ages to find it but I'm so glad I did in the end xxx

  8. I love Rimmel Stay matte powder, I went through two already! I want to try out the Bourjois nail polish remover. x

  9. The gel eyeliner looks awesome! Will be trying that out soon. Great post :) xx


  10. I saw that nail polish remover at the makeup store the other day, but at that time I didn't know what it was.. Now that i know what it is I have to go and buy one!! Sound so great since I wear nail polish everyday too! :)

    p.s. I hope you will check out my fashion blog too,
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