
OOTD: emerald sheer shirt

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

shirt - Ark, shorts - New Look, heels - Next, clutch - Vintage

I went out last night for a belated Father's day meal with my family and it was relatively warm during the day so I decided to brave the bare legs again, aha, I think it was too soon because it's safe to say I was pretty cold:(!
I love sheer shirts at the moment, this emerald one is a particular favourite, and I've been looking for a black one for ages, so if anyone can recommend one, that'd be great:)

i hope you're all having a good week!


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15 beauty notes

  1. Hiya, thanks for your comment! The bracelet was actually from a tiny shop in Paris last year! Love your shirt by the way :) xx

  2. love love LOVE this shirt!
    i love wearing anything loose -- just like this shirt. i just made a pair of awesome tribal cutoffs that would look SO good with this!


  3. Great shirt!!!! looks so cute!! wanna follow each other even on FB and twitter? I started following you! <3


    1. I actually don't use twitter, I'm signed up but that is about it aha, will check out your blog though:)!

  4. ah i love emerald, and it looks amazing in a sheer shirt! lovely look.
    i find that h&m have great sheer shirts, and they are really cheap, i got a nice black one from there a few weeks back x

  5. You look lovely and it's a cute outfit :) really like the combination of the shorts and shirt and your legs go on forever ha ha

    Tanesha x

  6. Very cute!! I love casual outfits like this!


  7. Fantastic outfit. You look incredible!!! Love those shorts & shirt combination. The heels finish the look as well!!


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