
Marks and Spencer 'Limited Collection' Make-Up

Saturday, June 30, 2012

I'm sure like many others when the new M&S 'Limited Collection' was released I wasn't overly interested. I have never been into Marks and Spencer's makeup despite them actually having some pretty good stuff!

However when I entered the store a couple of weeks ago, I decided to go and have a look and I ended up coming away with a bronzer, nail polish and foundation. With the prices ranging from around £3.00 to £10.00, this range is very affordable and also surprisingly good!

The first thing I went for was the nail polish, at £3.50 it was very reasonable and they had a good range of 24 colours to choose from. I went for the colour 'Leaf' which I was expecting to be more of a mint colour but I would probably say its more of a sea greeny colour; so I was a little disappointed but only because of the colour I chose. The formula and brush are actually really good; you can get a lovely colour from just two coats so I can't really fault the actual nail polish!
I just think next time I will go for a different colour:)

The next thing I bought I was really excited about! I've been looking for a non-shimmery bronzer for ages that's not too pricey and so this was perfect for me! I got the colour 'Light' but there was also a Dark one and I have worn it everyday since I bought it. I love it, the colour is very suited to my skintone and it blends into my cheeks perfectly, making my face look a bit warmer. The other thing I love about this is the box, look how lovely it is, definitely a firm favourite. At £5.00 for 7g of product you really can't go wrong aha!

The final thing I bought was the foundation in 'Ivory'. Again I have been looking for a good foundation that provides a little more coverage for ages and so far this one has been the best. It provides a medium coverage but doesn't feel at all heavy on the skin, as you can see it blends in really nicely with a Real Techniques Buffing Brush. The other thing I really liked about this was that it didn't give a dewy finish yet still brightened my face up; with my super oily skin I'm not a great fan of dewy products and so this was another winning factor for me. 
The only thing I wasn't so keen on was the colour range, I went for 'Ivory' which was the lightest colour. Although I would say I'm fair, I'm not the palest person and so someone paler than me probably wouldn't be able to find a colour to match their skintone. There are six colours and on the website it looks like there would be a colour for everyone, however I felt that all of the other colours were very orange and very different in tone to the 'Ivory' colour. So for me this is a really good foundation but the colour range could do with be imrpoved!

I hope this has helped some of you, I will definitely be going back to try out some more of the range!


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12 beauty notes

  1. The colour of the nail varnish is lovely!

    Would love it if you could check out my blog giveaway!


  2. I'm looking for a foundation that doesn't leave a dewy finish, this looks great! I like the bronzer too. Marks & Spencer's here I come! xx


    1. Ha, I was definitely shocked at how much good stuff there was! x

  3. I've never tried anything from M&S. I should go look soon!
    I love your blog, I nominated you for a Leibster Blog Award!
    http://www.plastichearts.co/2012/06/leibster.html :)

    H xx

    1. Wow, thank you, that's lovely! I don't think I've ever been nominated for an award before aha:) x

  4. love the color of the nailpolish :D

  5. M&S <3 I like the nail polish

    NRC ♥

  6. Love the polish it's such a nice colour x

    Katharine from kathykins.com

  7. the bronzer looks lovely!!


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