
OOTD: cream leather

Monday, June 25, 2012

top - H&M, leather leggings - Miss Selfridge, rings - ASOS, earrings - Topshop

I was with my grandparents at the weekend and we all went out for a Pizza Express, and this is what I wore! Pizza Express has to be one of my favourite places to eat at the moment, I'm really loving Italian food; I had a bruschetta, a pesto leggera pizza(pizza with salad in the middle) and then finished with a banoffee pie, yummy!

I can't believe how rubbish the weather has been, seriously its meant to be the beginning of Summer and it's pouring it down, has anyone actually had any nice weather?


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9 beauty notes

  1. Leather leggings are so cool, I must own about a zillion pairs of them, haha. Your hair looks lovely here! :) x

  2. Pizza Express is one of my faves too :) Mmmm, I'm hungry now haha xx


    1. I know, I always forget about it then love it when I'm there:) x

  3. Mmm, your dinner sounds so good! I am so hungry now, shouldn't be reading about that, haha.
    Like your monochrome look :)
    Mel x


  4. really glad i found your blog! such a shame the camera quality isn't the best but i reaaaally love your style!! straight away had to follow you and am telling my sister bout you:D x

    1. That's lovely, thank you:) and I completely understand where you coming from with the camera! They usually come up pretty well on my laptop but as soon as I upload them to blogger the dark bits go pixelated, I am on the look out for a much better camera and also saving furiously:D! x

  5. Simple but still really lovely! & you have lovely long legs haha! :) x


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