
REVIEW: NCLA Los Angeles Designer Nail Wraps

Saturday, March 02, 2013

NCLA Los Angeles Designer Nail Wraps in Ab-strakt from Cult Beauty - £12.50*

I was lucky enough to receive these gorgeous nail wraps which have just launched at Cult Beauty. Now I've never tried nail wraps but I absolutely love my nail polishes so I was so excited about these. I chose the Ab-strakt design as in my opinion these were the coolest however the Reflect yourself ones, the Galaxy ones and the Geri ones are also high on my wishlist right now.

Being a nail wraps newbie I was slightly apprehensive when applying these, so much so that I followed the instructions to a tee! But I was pleasantly surprised at how easy these were to apply and also how much easier they were to take off. You simply have to put on a coat of clear polish and wait for it to dry. Once dry you choose an appropriately sized wrap, place it on your finger nail and then simply smooth it out. Once smoothed out just file the ends of your nails with the nail file that is provided to remove the excess wrap at the top of the nail and voila! It also advises you put a clear coat of polish over the top to seal in the nail and give a glossy finish.

These lasted a serious long length of time, all week in fact. And the only reason I took them off was because I broke a nail while in the workshop yesterday and unfortunately it ripped off the nail wrap with it so I thought it was just easier to take them all off anyway. I think they look really good and they're such an easy way to do your nails; not to mention all the compliments I got from them!
Go and check them out , the designs are seriously cool so I'm sure you'll love them:)

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10 beauty notes

  1. These look incredible! I've been wanting to try them for ages but keep putting it off for some reason - think I will now :) x


  2. They look so interesting, i love them! They sounds really easy s well, always a bonus! They sound like they'd be good for going on holiday if they are quite durable too!
    Eleanor x

  3. Wow, this looks awesome *_*



  4. I've never tried nail wraps as I never thought they would look very good on (I had visions of stickers placed on my nail), but these look awesome!

    http://hannahrebekahcampbell.blogspot.com | ULTIMATE NAIL KIT GIVEAWAY! xxx

  5. These look lovely!

    Kimberley x

    http://kimberley77.blogspot.com (i'm running an international giveaway (Soap and Glory and MUA) if you want to enter)

  6. Love the pattern!!


  7. The NCLA wraps are seriously cool, these look so funky and Ive seen some galaxy ones that were amazing as well! x


  8. they look so good. the nail wraps i used where crap. they won't stay on for one day but this one sounds soooo amazing.

  9. Incredible nail wraps. Thank you for sharing the review.
    By the way, i am also a blogger .Would you please join my site on blogspot? I will follow you as well.
    Thank you.


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