
NAILS: Barry M Hi-Shine Gelly Paint in 'Lychee'

Friday, March 08, 2013

I finallyy got around to trying the Hi-Shine Gelly nail polishes from Barry M, I know I'm a little late on the bandwagon but to be honest when I looked at them when they were first out none of the colours stood out to me. I certainly don't remember seeing this nude colour. This is seriously the most excited I've been about a nude nail polish in a long time. Usually in theory I like nude nail polishes but in reality they are usually too grey toned for my skin tone and as such they just make my hands look weird. However this gorgeous pinky nude is just perfect for my skintone.
Onto the formula, I must admit I was a little disappointed when I tried this for the first time, I found it quite thick and it dried so quickly that I didn't get time to spread properly or I ended up putting too much on and then struggling to spread it again. However after I few nails I soon got into the swing of it, putting on just the right amount of product and I started to love this more and more. I actually really like the thick consistency now because my nails are quite rough and brittle and as such I usually have to put quite a few coats on to make them smooth. With this I only needed two coats, in fact I probably could have got away with one coat even but I fancied doing a second coat aha:)

Big fan of these, I'm hoping to get the red corally colour next, perfect for summer!

Also if you like my blog it would be amazing if you could nominate me in the Company Style Blogger Awards! Shameless plug but it would literally make my year:):) xxx

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17 beauty notes

  1. I love this colour! I also have the same thing with finding nude nail polishes to be too ashy

  2. Great review. I really like the colour, I have the dragon fruit one which is a bright pink, and I'm not too keen on it. I was just in a very barbie pink mood the day I got it ha. I am disappointed with the formula as well, I expected it to be a lot nicer than it really is.


  3. I really like the colour of this too xx


  4. Love this colour! x

  5. Such a pretty nude xo


  6. This is such a nice nude colour

  7. suits you very well! i love barry ms!


  8. I've been searching for this colour for ages! Barry M is my fave brand so ill have to take a look!xx


  9. Love the colour :) I bought the Blueberry and Satsuma Gel Shine varnishes and had a similar problem with the thick application to start with, but now I can't stop wearing them :)

  10. I have this colour too :) I hate the consistency though, it took me three coats to get it right.
    I hope they bring out a black in it.
    Roxy's Box of Tricks  


  11. I LOVE this colour! I haven't tried the gelly polishes yet (so behind... I know) but I really do need to pop into Boots and pick up one (or five!)

    http://hannahrebekahcampbell.blogspot.com xxx

  12. I loved this review. I haven't tried the jelly polishes yet as like you I haven't seen any colours I liked but this looks gorgeous! I bet it's a great base for effect toppings! (Gosh I make it sound like ice cream haha)

    Amy x cocktailsinteacups.blogspot.co.uk

  13. Oh I love that color! I want it!

  14. Do you find that they care chipping very easy?

    Charlotte x

  15. I spotted this for the first time the other day too and was contemplating... looks lovely :) xx


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