
Benefit Face Date - Fenwicks, Newcastle

Monday, March 11, 2013

Now I wasn't honestly planning to do two posts on Benefit in one week aha but it just so happened that they coincided with each other (I promise I'm not sponsored by them aha!). Anyway I recently got a make over done by the lovely girls at the Benefit counter in Fenwicks, Newcastle. The make over was completely free and it was such a lovely experience that I just had to blog about it!

I made an appointment to get it done while at the Benefit FakeUp event early last week (read about that here), so I would definitely recommend making an appointment just to be on the safe side! I arrived at the counter and was immediately made to feel at ease by a good chatter with the girls, I was then sat down and asked about what sort of look I wanted; I said do anything so I got the full works. Throughout the whole make over process the lady who was doing my makeup (Jen) explained each product, what it does and how   its used. Then after each stage so base, eyebrows, eyes etc, she showed me what it looked like in the mirror; so you really got to see the transformation as it was happening if that makes sense.

Over all the experience was really lovely, and I would definitely go back again! The makeup was a little different to how I usually do it which I actually really loved; its always nice to have a little change and it was extra nice having somebody else do it for you. As result I came away from the Benefit counter with a wishlist that had grown substantially! Top of my wishlist definitely would have to be the Crease-less Cream Shadows (which are actually going to be released in single pots soon!!), Fine One One (which is stunning!), Porefessional Primer and the They're Real Mascara! I can't quite afford them as of yet but I am working on it aha. The products Jen used are listed below.

I would just like to say thank you to Gemma, Jen and the rest of the girls for a really lovely experience highly recommended!

[I promise my eyebrows were the same colour it is just the lighting in this photo]

Products Used:
Triple Performing Facial Emulsion
the POREfessional
Stay Don't Stray Primer
Oxygen Wow Foundation
Fine One One
They're Real Mascara
FakeUp Concealer
High Beam
Easiest Nudes Ever!

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11 beauty notes

  1. Your make up looks gorgeous! Your eyelashes look amazing, definitely need to get the They're Real mascara!


  2. It's really nice!! You should do your makeup like this more often for sure!!

  3. You look gorgeous!
    I didn't even know that you could set an appointment to get your makeup done at a Benefit counter! I definitely want to have one done now haha

  4. I love how they do eyebrows at benefit, they're by far the best at them! I sometimes find at my nearest counter that the girls can go a bit overboard on my foundation or blush and bronzed, but I think that's just how I feel because I prefer a super natural look haha!
    Eleanor x


  5. you have beautiful eyes! :*


  6. Oooh, the makeup looks great! What a fun event! :)



  7. You really do look so gorgeous, I love your eye make up! Who doesn't love a good make over

    A little bit Unique


  8. your makeup is gorgeous! Xx

  9. You eyebrows are so pretty and well done! Love it :)

  10. This is a very pretty look on you! You should do your makeup like this all the time. Your eyes pop!


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