
REVIEW: Enrapture Encode Totem Styler

Thursday, January 31, 2013

I was recently sent the Enrapture Encode Totem Styler and its safe to say that within a few days  it has simply changed my life, no joke! After seeing it on a lot of blogs, I was dying to get my hands on one. Having had straight/wavy hair, I was constantly trying to find easy ways of trying to make my hair curly, with it also being very thick it was a battle to find anything that actually worked with my hair. Anyway I had high hopes for this curler and I was not disappointed.

Enrapture says "This next generation curling tool features a unique totem barrel that allows you to set the three zones to different temperatures using the encoder dial, resulting in an array of different curls."

I love that you can change the dial and heat in order to suit your own hair, I always used to find myself buying multiple curlers in order to get every type of curl that I wanted but with this curler you can do it all, tight curls, large curls, messy waves, etc. My favourite setting so far is 2-2-3 and thats what I used to create the curls below, I simply wrap sections of hair around the curler, hold for 10 seconds then release and pin the curl to your head. Pinning the curl doesn't have to be neat at all, it just allows the curl to cool making it last much longer. Once cool, unpin your hair and comb your fingers through it, the style below took me no longer than 15 minutes, thats hardly any time at all. I can't wait to experiment more with this and although I won't be using this everyday, it'll be perfect for those occasions when you just want something more from your hair.

The Totem Styler is priced at RRP £74.99 and can be found at: Argos, Boots, Amazon.co.uk, Tesco and Debenhams (& many more). Despite that being quite pricey I believe it is totally worth it, and I would recommend buying it asap if you plan to as there are some amazing offers on at the moment. The best I've found is Boots where it is only £29.99 if you enter the code 'TOTEM' at the checkout online!! Bargain, grab it while you can!



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10 beauty notes

  1. Aww you look gorgeous!! I know, it is THE best hair tool around :) x


  2. Beautiful! xo


  3. I've heard so many good thing about these, thanks for the review, the photos have really helped me decide to get some :) also, lovely bedding!

  4. They look like they can do a really good job! Nice review! :)

    Pipp xx

  5. I have read to many great reviews about these curlers. Glad you love them and it really does make your hair very curly x


  6. Your hair looks wonderful, great review!


  7. Wow you have lovely hair, lovely tutorial/review!


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