
OOTD: oxblood wrap dress

Thursday, January 17, 2013

DRESS - InLoveWithFashion*, HEELS - Next, WATCH - Fossil, RINGS - Topshop, SKIRT - Asos

I finally finished my coursework today and handed it in a few hours before the deadline, I was very impressed with myself aha! Anyway its now onto revision for my exam next wednesday... I'll be so glad when this is all over!!

I recieved this dress in a giveaway from Heidi, so thank you Heidi and InLoveWithFashion. I'd been eyeing up a wrap dress for absolutely agess and they are absolutely gorgeous. Unfortunately this ones a little short (since I'm 5"10 that isn't surprising) anyway I bought a bodycon skirt in oxblood too to wear underneath to avoid any bum flashes aha. I also thought the bodycon skirt would be lovely to wear over the dress if you fancy making it a little different. Personally on me I prefer the bodycon skirt over the top purely because I think I suit bodycon dresses more; plus the plunge necklace on the top of the dress is stunning and thats what made me fall in love with the dress!

I'm also wearing my new Fossil watch which i got for my birthday. I absolutely love it, I had been looking at Michael Kors watches but I just couldn't justify the price, this was a little more reasonable at £125, rather than the £225 Michael Kors one I was look at! Heres a close up of it if you fancy a nosey http://instagram.com/p/URaDNaEYlS/

Thats enough rambling from me! Good luck to anyone who has exams:)


p.s. sorry the dress is creased, our iron has broken:(

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16 beauty notes

  1. Absolutely gorgeous dress! Shame about the length but it looks just as good with the skirt xo


  2. Lovely look!

    caperepulchra.blogspot.com xo

  3. That red looks gorgeous with your pale skin! x

  4. I love this dress, its beautiful! Oxblood is my fave colour to wear at the moment too so thats just made me love it even more! :)
    I really love the way you have styled it with the skirt too, it looks fab!


  5. Wow look at those legs!! You look gorgeous :) x


  6. I have this dress in another colour and have the same issue about the length! It's so lovely though and looks great on you :)


  7. Beautiful outfit!!! You look amazing!!! You look so nice in that color! I like the version with the skirt over the dress!!! Your legs look incredible!!! :)

  8. Gorgeous legs! I love the outfit, both ways! You can even add a bit to switch things up a bit xx


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Sorry but could you please tell me how you do that double thing with your pictures. Where there is 2 of you but one is backwards? It would be really helpful, because its so nice! xx

    1. I open the original picture on paint, then I go on Microsoft Picture Manager and the flip the picture horinzontally, save it and open it on paint again. Then I just copy the new picture and paste it onto the original and then just line up the middle bit! Aha it sounds complicated but its really not and I'm sure there are ways to do it on Photoshop too but I don't own Photoshop, hope this helps x

  11. I love this colour on you, and how beautifully long are your legs! x

  12. I love your dress! You look great!

  13. Absolutely love this outfit, you look lovely!xxx


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