
The BEST of 2012...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

So sorry I'm a little late on this but I had so many other posts planned. Anyway these are my 2012 favourites:

Best Foundation: Revlon ColorStay for Oily/Combo Skin
I discovered this after MissBudgetBeauty raved about it and I absolutely love it. Its the perfect foundation for me, high coverage, controls my shine yet still feels light on the skin!

Best Concealer: Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer
I must have used this concealer all year, I don't use anything else. Its great, full coverage, hides any blemishes and covers my bluey circles. Plus its an absolute bargain.

Best Powder: Rimmel Stay Matte
Tanya Burr loves this powder and so do I, although I haven't tried many other powders I just haven't found the need to because this is almost perfect. I usually only need to reapply it once a day and thats with my super oily skin.

Best Blusher: 17 Blusher is Damson
This blusher is lovely, I really want to try more colours. This is just a gorgeous pale pinky colour with a slightly plummy undertone. Perfect for everyday.

Best Bronzer:
Now I don't actually have a best bronzer because quite honestly I haven't found one that stands out above the rest. Bronzer is definitely something I plan to try lots of this year, I want to find a good one!

Best Eyeshadow Base: Maybelline Color Tattoo in On and On Bronze/Permanent Taupe
So much hype over these cream shadows and I would probably say I have worn these every single day underneath my eyeshadow, I still use the MUA eye primer underneath and that combination makes my eyeshadow last from 7 in the morning to 10 at night, amazing!

Best Eyeshadow: Mac Eyeshadows in Woodwinked, Mulch and Satin Taupe
So I'm cheating a bit with this because I got Woodwinked and Satin Taupe fairly recently how I am in love with them, I've used them everyday since I got them, gorgeous colours. I got Mulch at the beginning of 2012 and its a shadow I reach for time and time again when i'm going out. The perfect smoky brown colour.

Best Eyebrow Pencil: Rimmel Brow Pencil (forgot to photograph it oops.)
Its a great affordable eye pencil that suits my eyebrow colour pretty damn well!

Best Eyeliner: Avon SuperShock in 'Blackberry' and 'Khaki' AND Rimmel ScandalEyes in 'Nude', 'Taupe' and 'Bronze'
So I couldn't decided between these but they are definitely equally as good as each other. Both waterproof and both long lasting and between them both, I can get almost every colour I wish for. My favourite colour out of all of these has to be 'Blackberry', a gorgeous dark plummy red, perfect alternative to black.

Best Mascara: Revlon GrowLucious Mascara
Now this is an odd one, whilst the mascara isn't amazing for my lashes and the look is good but nothing special when I'm wearing it. However it is seriously making my lashes look so much fuller and longer, i've noticed such a huge difference.

Best Brushes: Real Techniques Buffing Brush and Expert Face Brush
Do I need to say anything about these brushes? Two words: they're amazing!! I alternate between them depending on the coverage I want and I hope they last forever aha!

Leave your links below if you've done a Best of 2012! I would love to read it:)


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8 beauty notes

  1. I swear by the Revlon foundation also! I've been using it since I was about 15 and nothing compares to it for me!


  2. I really want to try the reckon foundation, I don't normally trust drugstore products but I've heard so much about this I think I need too. I'd probably get the one for normal/dry skin though as I prefer the dewy look.


  3. Such good picks! I am forever looking for the expert face brush but they are yet to stock it in my local boots bah! Also really want to try the revlon foundation ASAP! sounds lovely! xo

  4. I love most of the products you have in this post!
    I love your blog, and I'm a new follower.
    Rachael x


  5. those make up brushes are amazing!

    sophie-lm.blogspot.co.uk x

  6. love the brushes, so amazing.

  7. Great list! Revlon ColourStay has been my go-to foundation for years. Glad you're loving it too :)



  8. Eek this is such a great post! Defo adding a few to my wish list! xx



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