
NAILS: Essie's 'Beyond Cozy'

Saturday, January 26, 2013

This was the second shade I bought in the Essie Mini Winter Collection and was actually the one I was most looking forward to... However its actually the one I like least!! In the bottle I absolutely love it, its got depth and a gold shimmer to it which is what drew me to it in the first place, however on the nails you just don't get that depth, only when the light hits it in a certain place do you actually get that lovely gold shimmer that you can see in the first picture. And to be honest the light doesn't hit it in that way very often, which just makes it like a boring old silver to me.

Maybe thats just me, I'm not a fan of silver glitter (it makes me think Barbie!) and I think I was really expecting it to have a lot more gold shimmer in it when on the nails. A bit of a disappointment.

Have you tried this?

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13 beauty notes

  1. I think it looks really pretty on your nails :) xx


  2. I had the same experience with one of the Models' Own polishes looking more gold in the bottle than on my nails. I am a silver fan though so I think this still looks gorgeous xx


  3. love this! it looks so pretty :)

  4. aww, i think it looks really pretty!

    from helen at thelovecatsinc // youtube

    ps. enter my new giveaway to win the UD naked basics palette, RT brushes and essie polishes! click here.

  5. great nails!

    Angela Donava


  6. Such a shame you don't like it. I do hear quite mixed reviews on essie nail polishes very often, however I really like this shade and I think it looks lovely on your nails xx

  7. I love this nail varnish. It's gorgeous. Great blog post :)

    Love Daniela (new fan) - ohellabella.blogspot.com

    P.s. I'm currently doing a jewellery giveaway on my blog until 3rd Feb 2013 if you'd like to take a look oxo

  8. Ah it's a shame you were looking forward to trying it, and it happened to be the one you like the least! Personally, i think it looks great! xx

  9. Oooh this is so cute! I can't believe you don't love it, Barbie is the coolest.

    The Style Rawr!

  10. Beautiful www.adoramehitabel.blogspot.co.uk

  11. Love this nail polish, so pretty! xx

    Katharine from kathykins.com

  12. I was so sad about missing out on the essie mini winter collection but after reading your review now I don't feel quite a disheartened! Great blog :D
    Rachel x


  13. I tried it, it's so gorgeous! I love it that sometimes it looks gold and sometimes silver.


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