
REVIEW: Escentric Molecules - Molecule 01

Monday, January 28, 2013

So much hype surrounding this perfume aha, but I have to say it is completely worth it!
I received this perfume for Christmas after hearing Lily Pebbles talk about it, and have probably worn it everyday since. Heres a big of background information: most perfumes are usually made up of thousands of molecules however this one contains one lonely molecule, Iso E Super, which is usually used as a base note for a lot of fragrances. It helps a fragrance have an alluring scent, working as less of a perfume but more of a your smell only better.
To my nose this is a very woody, masculine scent with hints of citrus to it, making it in my opinion very unisex. I absolutely love the smell of this and its actually a tad annoying that I can't smell it on myself aha, but I have received many lovely compliments about this. I haven't received any comments from strangers though but a lot of my friends and family have commented on it, especially when worn under Chanels Chance.

If you fancy trying this fragrance then I would definitely recommend you to go for it.
I started off my buying a sample of eBay  here
Then I think my parents got the travel refill off amazon.co.uk, however delivery on this item has increased by around £5 since I got it, which is a little cheeky in my opinion  here

You can also find this at Cultbeauty.co.uk where the shipping is much cheaper here

Have any of you tried this?

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  1. I recently bought it, I like it but the masculinity makes me reach for other perfumes.

    I'm hosting a giveaway on my blog. I'd love if you entered! (http://caperepulchra.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/giveaway-illamasqua-nyx-vivo.html)

    caperepulchra.blogspot.com xo

  2. oo I've heard so much about this and it sounds lovely! xxx

  3. I really wanted to love this but sadly it doesn't work well with my skin for some reason.

    New follower. :)

  4. ive heard so much about this! im going to have to add it to my wishlist!

    BreezeyBee Blog

  5. Lovely to hear such an honest review! I tried this perfume out in Libertys and it smelt awful on me, I really wanted it to smell awesome too.

    Hannah www.cagneyandlace.com Check out my Neom candle giveaway

  6. One of my best friends has this and it smells AMAZING on her. I still haven't even tried it, I think I'm going to drop a few hints to my boyfriend!xxx


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